Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Travels in Taichung!

I have been in Taichung for about a month now (sorry about the delay in starting this, I have a terrible memory). I have been having an amazing time! I have been teaching English, reading, and science in an elementary school here and the kids couldn't be more excited! They love to ask questions about the US and how I like Taiwan.

In the English class I have put together a powerpoint about the US, my hometown, and Yale! They are very interested to see how their life differs from mine, but also how it is similar. Here are two of my adorable sixth grade classes!

For the reading classes, I have three different English picture books, one for first and second grade, one for third and fourth grade, and one for the fifth and sixth grade. I read to them, and then they read along with me and ask about words they do not know or what objects in the pictures are called.

I haven't had any science classes yet, but I will next week, and I am helping the older kids create science fair projects! This was my host's idea since she noticed during her time in the US that many kids in the US participate in science fairs, but it is not as common in Taiwan. I plan on teaching them about the scientific method, doing a short hands-on science activity with them, and also teaching them how to put together a poster board presentation for their own project!

Sorry again this is so late, but I've been having so much fun here in Taiwan!

Michelle Lapadula
ES '18

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