The best part of this tour, arguably, wasn't even the views. Cheko and I were being followed by bunch of camera crews because it was the first day of "Tour Week" in BH. They loved us particularly because we were foreigners, an American and A mexican. It felt like we were acting in a movie, as they had us pretend to do things, eat Pao de Queijo and interview multiple times. All in good fun though, we enjoyed our 15 seconds of fame. We were featured in a news broadcast later that evening.
After the tour, I got on the wrong bus, this time on purpose. I wanted to see other parts of the city. Unfortunately, this bus took me about an hour and a half away from the center, and I really had no idea where I was. But the good news is, I was able to communicate decently with the bus driver, who helped me locate the subway. I stayed on the bus until we got near the subway, and from there, I just ended up taking a cab to the city center before finding the correct bus home.
The presentations were in the dance room, with a projector on the large white wall. I went last, and it was a pretty funny experience. Obviously, I do not speak much portuguese at all. So, I wrote down all the things I needed to say in portuguese on a notepad, with the help of google (my homie here.) I tried my best, and with the help of Livia our project manager, I presented some interesting facts about America. After I finished they gave me a huge round of applause, apparently trying to support my Portuguese haha.
Afterwards, our school Principal, Issa, took us to Mercado Central. A huge market in the center of the city full of foods, clothes, animals, bars and anything else you could want! It was a great place to see, and Issa was nice enough to buy us Empadas and Lemonade to drink.
Tuesday was a great day at work. When we arrived, the boys immediately came to Cheko and I and asked us to play soccer. How could I turn down such an offer. My team was clearly more athletic, older, and overall better suited for the match. I scored the first goal, and the students all went wild as I did my make-shift soccer celebration. It was fun to play with the kids for the first time, they are so cheerful and happy when playing soccer.

Yesterday, I woke up feeling a little sick. The weather here fluctuates a bit by day and night, so my body is trying to get used to it. I didn't eat much for breakfast, and I also didn't eat much of the lunch they give us when we arrive at Hugo Werneck (the school name.) Mabel was already sick, and not attending, so I figured I needed to go. We arrived, and spent most of the day with the schools dance team as they prepare for a performance on friday. They are pretty talented for the age. In the middle of their practice, Cheko and I presented some more on our countries. Cheko brought some spicy peppers from Mexcio, they all took bites and all 20 of them immediately ran to the drinking fountain, one after another. It was a hilarious site. I presented on American celebrities, music, movies and sports. They know so many American celebrities because they listen to American music and watch American movies all the time. Sports, on the other hand, were mostly foreign to them. Hockey and American Football are not played here, so they were intrigued to see that. And were impressed when I showed them a picture of myself playing football ha.
Afterwards, Ana, the dance instructor at the school, took us to get some Acai ice cream. This stuff is delicious!
The journey home after work is the worst. The bus is always way over capacity, and by the time I get on it, there is barely even room to stand. For nearly an hour and a half, I stand in a sticky, crowded bus. But it is nice to know that a good meal and a cold shower is waiting for me on the other side.
Today is our day off from work. Each thursday we have a day to relax, travel around the city, and at night we have a meeting to discuss the project with our project managers. Cheko, his friend Samara, and I went to the zoo today to see what kinda animals Brazil had to offer! It was cool, but I can't say they had anything that we do not have in the states.
Tomorrow for "work", I get to go watch some capoeira. Let's go!
On monday I start teaching the kids American Football, I am really excited for that!
Obrigado, e bom dia!
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